Poetas del mes IIHIROSHIMA AMOR MIO / HIROSHIMAS MON AMOURRubén Darío Segura PáezEmundo Torrejón TejadoBlank pageMary GuzmánLuz Mery Guzmán LampreaAmanda PatarcaCarmen del Rosario Gómez CascoCecilia de la Cruz Gómez Casco


Armenuhi Sisyan

Dear Prof,  Armenuhi Sisyan. Welcome to Peace for our time and the time of our children and the children of their children through the cultivation of Fine Arts in the gardens of their mind and their hearts. The world of Poetry turned into conductive facts of Peace and universal Harmony.


Estimada Profesora  Armenuhi Sisyan
Bienvenida  a la Paz para nuestro tiempo
y el tiempo de nuestros hijos y los hijos de sus hijos
a través del cultivo de las Bellas Artes en los jardines de su mente y sus corazones .
El mundo de la Poesía convertido en hechos conductores de Paz y Armonia universal.



Naciones  Unidas de las Letras
 Ambassadeur of Good Will 

In recognition to her human and intellectual talents and dedication to promote peace around the world according
to our Fundamental principles 


PROMOTE, MAINTAIN AND DEFEND conditions of PEACE and universal HARMONY through the Word turned into deeds.
RESPECT any difference of creed, race, nationality, social, cultural and political status that is in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
 CELEBRATE cultural agreements that allow the application of these principles.

 SUPPORT cultural centers whose objectives correspond to the purposes of UNILETRAS.
 CULTIVATE altruistic relationships with cultural, literary and artistic entities of the world.
 ACT as  promoters of the application of ideas  of Peace  and related projects.
 WORK in the development of educational projects that lead to the training of new generations of Poets and Writers.
 PARTICIPATE in national and international literary cultural events.
 PROPITIATE AND FACILITATE the edition, publication and distribution of literary works that enhance the intellectual life of their authors.
 COLLECT, DISSEMINATE AND PRESERVE the intellectual work of the members of UNILETRAS and of any other writer who wishes to allow it.
 EMPLOY all existing means of communication to publicize the objectives, projects and achievements of UNILETRAS.
 WORK out loud and do so with visible and effective representation before any cultural local, national and international body
capable of responding to the Fundamental Principles of UNILETRAS
Signed and issued this day Auguist 5th 2020 in Bogotá Colombia  


Joseph Berolo            Araceli ALonso          Teresita Valcheff                Cecilia Lamprea de Guzman            Martha Sonia Herrera

President                           President adjunto         Collegiate Presidente      Collegiate President                  Secretary General
Argentina  Bolivia  Brasil  Canadá  Colombia  Cuba  Chile  Ecuador El Salvador España  Estados Unidos De Norte América   Francia   Filipinas  Honduras  Holanda  India  Israel Italia  Japón  México  Nicaragua Perú  Puerto Rico  República de Armenia Rumania  Rusia   Senegal Sudán  Uruguay Venezuela  



Translated by Meruzhan Harutyunyan

The woman was alone at home. She was diseased. There hadn't been a time she was worried for herself, but now she was, for bad feelings wouldn't leave her from morning. Anxiety would increase as would do pain in the heart region that sometimes would turn into choking. Then, by and by, fear came and took its place in the paining heart adding to her anxiety. Would it be that death desired to visit her? Oh, no, it is not the time! What nonsense, death never tells it is coming! Probably she was to tell her daughter. But no, never! She had just gone for a holiday and no idea to worry her too. Let come what comes, for can she help?She got up from her bed and began to walk about the room. The pain again pricked her heart, and the pain was so sharp this time that she couldn't make a step. She froze at her place tightly holding her heart and bended. Yes, it is the end! Death had come after her.

Was this the way she would go? And the most terrible thing was she was all alone. She must struggle. She must do something. The medicine! She had to reach the kitchen and take the medicine out of the cupboard. Oh, no, she couldn't. Besides, if she was to die then did she need any medicine? The most important thing was to tell somebody she died otherwise her breathless body would stay in the closed room for a long time. Oh, how terrible it was; she had to do something; what can be done? How could she have forgotten, the emergency! She stretched her hand for the phone that was aside her, but then she glanced at her stretched hand. The manicure had died away from her nails that were rough and uncared, for she hadn't been taking care for herself for a long time, she didn't know for how many days.

She remembered her mother. She had always had very well cared nails, tidy and nice, and she would always say that woman's hands must always be clean and well cared. She imagined how they would come and she her in such state, first the doctors, then the relatives, then others. What a shame! They would think she had been a very untidy woman!

The woman didn't understand how she stood up and went to the bedroom, then took her white manicure out of the drawer under the mirror, then the cleaning liquid and some cotton. First she cleaned away the remnants of the old manicure, then put new layer, uniform and nice. Then she had a look from different angles at her nails and marveled at her own work and, waiting for her nails to dry had a look at herself in the mirror. What an unpleasant look had she; was she that good-looking woman? She took the hair-brush from before the mirror and dressed her hair a little. This would do, a little. What a pale face, just a dreadful one! "A woman must be beautiful in any circumstances!" thought she and put some lipstick on her lips. And the skin; what a skin was this, just a repulsive skin of a diseased! And she washed her face with a special liquid for face all the time criticizing someone and being angry with that someone as if it wasn't her. Then she massaged her face with a feeding cream very carefully and put some powder on it. Two blue hollows were under her eyes where the ill sadness loved to dwell usually.

She tried to camouflage them rubbing them with loving care, but she wasn't satisfied. She had a look into the mirror and smiled to herself with a smile only a woman does, and the hollows sank into that smile. "Well, this is much better and not the untidy face of that woman. One can always know from the face of a woman if she is tidy or not." She was going on with criticizing that other woman. "A woman must stay a woman, even if she is aged," stated she in her mind. Then she decided that her dress wasn't so nice and thought she had better changed that. She went into the bathroom, changed her dress quickly, putting on home dresses though, but cleaner and nicer ones.She again turned to the most important thing that is called mirror and dressed her hair a little with her usual movements that was more like stroking, the she smiled delightedly and went up the phone. She had to call someone. She mechanically took the receiver up, but her fingers were hung in the air with uncertainty. She forgot who she had been going to call.

Traducido por Joseph Berolo
La mujer estaba sola en casa. Estaba enferma. No había habido un momento en que no  estuviera preocupada por sí misma, pero ahora más que nunca porque los malos pensamientos no la dejaban desde la mañana. La ansiedad mental aumentaBA al igual que el dolor en el corazón que a veces se convertía en asfixia. Luego, poco a poco, el miedo llegó y ocupó su lugar en su mente confundida,  lo que aumentó su angustia. ¿Sería la muerte la que deseaba visitarla? ¡Oh, no, no es el momento! ¡Qué tontería, la muerte nunca dice cuando va a llegar ! Probablemente ella debía decirle a su hija. Pero no, ¡ Nunca! Acababa de irse de vacaciones y no debía preocuparla. Dejar que venga lo que venga, porque ¿Puede ayudarme? No.  Se levantó de su cama y comenzó a caminar por la habitación. El dolor volvió a pinchar su corazón, y fue tan fuerte esta vez que no pudo dar un paso. Se congeló en su lugar apretando fuertemente su corazón y se dobló. Sí. La muerte había llegado. Era el final.

¿Era así como ella se iría? Y lo más terrible era que estaba sola. Debia luchar. Debía hacer algo. ¡La medicina! Tenía que llegar a la cocina y sacarla del armario. Oh no, no podía. Además, si iba a morir, ¿necesitaba alguna medicina? Lo más importante era decirle a alguien que murió, de lo contrario su cuerpo sin aliento permanecería en la habitación cerrada durante mucho tiempo. !Oh Qué terrible sería. Tenía que hacer algo; ¿Qué puedo hacer? ¡Cómo pude haber olvidado la Emergencia! Estiró la mano hacia el teléfono que estaba a un lado de ella, pero luego miró su mano extendida. La manicura había desaparecido de sus uñas que estaban ásperas y descuidadas, porque no se había estado cuidando por mucho tiempo, no sabía cuántos días.

Recordó  a su madre. Siempre había tenido uñas muy cuidadas, ordenadas y bonitas, decía que las manos de la mujer siempre deben estar limpias y bien cuidadas. Se imaginó como las verían y a ella en ese estado, primero los médicos, luego los familiares, luego otros. ¡Qué lástima! ¡Pensarían que había sido una mujer muy desordenada! La mujer no entendió cómo se puso de pie y fue a la habitación, sacó su manicura del cajón debajo del espejo, luego el líquido de limpieza y algo de algodón. Primero limpió los restos de la vieja capa, luego puso una nueva , uniforme y agradable. Luego miró las uñas desde diferentes ángulos y se maravilló de su propio trabajo y, mientras esperaba que sus uñas se secaran, se miró en el espejo. Qué mirada tan desagradable tenía ella; ¿Era ella esa mujer guapa que sabia que era ? Tomó un cepillo y se arregló un poco el pelo. Esto haría, un poco. ¡Qué cara pálida, simplemente horrible! "¡Una mujer debe ser hermosa en cualquier circunstancia!" pensó  y se puso un poco de lápiz labial en los labios. Y la piel; ¡Qué piel era esta, solo la piel repulsiva de un enfermo! Y se lavó la cara con un líquido especial criticando todo el tiempo a alguien y enojándose con esa persona como si no fuera ella. Luego  masajeó suy rsotro  con mucho cuidado  con una crema de vitaminas y se puso un poco de polvo. Dos huecos azules aparecían debajo de sus ojeras donde habitualmente se veía la tristeza.
Trató de camuflarlos frotándolos con amoroso cuidado, pero no quedó satisfecha. Se miró al espejo y sonrió para sí misma con una sonrisa que solo una mujer sabe hacer , y los huecos de sus mejillas se hundieron en esa sonrisa. "Bueno, esto es mucho mejor y no el rostro desordenado de esa mujer. Uno siempre puede saber por el rostro de una mujer si está ordenada o no". Continuó
criticando a esa otra mujer. "Una mujer debe seguir siendo una mujer, incluso si es mayor", pensó . Luego decidió que su vestido no era tan bonito y decidió  que cambiarse   Entró en el baño, se desvistió rápidamente  y se puso vestidos caseros, pero más limpios y agradables. Volvió a lo más importante en ese momento que era su espejo, y se compuso un poco más el cabello con sus movimientos habituales que eran como caricias- Sonrió encantada y acudió al teléfono. Tenía que llamar a alguien. Mecánicamente levantó el receptor, pero sus dedos se quedaron suspendidos en el aire. Había olvidado a quén iba a llamar.



If I manage to escape
from the race of the time
that follows me,
I'll go to gather poems,
where the trees blossom
and wait for me:
(so many poems are there!...)
Ripeness makes things sweet-
don't taste the early
fruit; leave it
to time. It leaves the fruit alone
to become fully

To be a sunrise
and a sunset to be,
to expect nothing from people,
and to want nothing from them,
to lighten the world
and to be away,
to embrace it every day
and in heights to stay...

I woke up at night,
Distant knocks were being heard,
Angels for Earth's were knoking the Heaven's door,
Alas. They're closed! There is no return!
Couldn't sleep anymore.

When my body will be much stronger
Then my dreams and illusions,
I will dare to stay silent about love,
Until then I will speak
Where only the words live...
Between my yesterday and tomorrow
today is threatening me 
in the face of 

Between my enter and exit
the closed doors
are compressing me
with airless space.


 Between me and you
nothing is now
by the name of love.
(Lost Paradise.)

The granules of my words 
I sprinkled after me,
for you to find the road to me.
And I left, closed within myself...
Wish you don't get lost..

This day also slithered
as the dress slipps down my body:
for one more day
I am stripped away from life...



 Si me las arreglo para escapar
de la carrera del tiempo
que me persigue,
me iré  a recopilar poemas
donde florecen los árboles
y esperan por mi:
(Hay tantos poemas ahi)

La madurez hace las cosas dulces
no pruebes la fruta verde
  Déjala que haya 

Para ser un amanecer
y  puesta de sol ser
para  esperar nada de la gente,
y no querer nada de ellos
para aligerar el mundo
y estar lejos,
y abrazar cada día 
 quedarse  arriba de las bajezas 

Me desperté  en  la noche
se escuchaban golpes distantes,
Los ángeles de la Tierra estaban
tocando la puerta del cielo, 
Pobre de mí. ! Estaban  cerradas!
No hay retorno!
No pude dormir más.

Cuando mi cuerpo sea mucho más fuerte
ntonces mis sueños e ilusiones,
me atreveré a guardar silencio sobre el amor
Hasta entonces hablaré
donde solo viven las palabras ...

Entre mi ayer y mañana
hoy me amenaza
conl a cara del tormento.
Entre mi entrada y salida
las puertas cerradas
en un  espacio sin aire.

Entre tú y yo
nada es ahora
en  nombre del amor

(Paraíso perdido.)

Los gránulos de mis palabras
rocié detrás de mí
para que encuentres el camino hacia mí.
Y me fui, cerrado dentro de mí ...
Ojalá no te pierdas ..
Este día también se deslizó
mientras el vestido se deslizaba
por mi cuerpo:
por un día más
estoy despojada de la vida .. 

Armenuhi Sisyan
Armenuhi Sisyan- writer, poet, playwright from Armenia. Professor of Armenian language at Yerevan State Medical University, author and co-author of several training manuals for students.
Her works are translated into 12 languages: English, Spanish, Japanese, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Russian, Persian, Polish, Albanian, Macedonian.
Member of Writers' Union of Armenia since 2007.
Board member of International Writers Association Pjeter Bogdani in Brussels (IWA).
Member of Japan Universal Poets Association, (JUNPA), Kyoto.
International Advisory member of ‘'Education, Literature'' magazine of Changhua University of Education (Taiwan).
Member of the International Movement Poetas del Mundo.

Author of 9 books, last 2 were published in Kyoto (Japan):
• "A Handful Of Light", Yerevan, 2006 (short novels, poems in prose).
• "Harahos" - 2007, Yerevan (short stories)
• "Hey, Noah!" 2012, Yerevan (short stories)
• "The Bloօmy Paths" 2013 (for teenagers)
• '' Longing For 1000 Years'' 2016 (poems)
• ''Back To The Sky'', 2016, Yerevan (novel)
• ‘'Duet of Fountains'', 2017, Kyoto, Japan (poems, in Japanese)
• "Duet Of Drops", 2018, Kyoto, Japan (poems, in Japanese)
• ‘'Escape to the Trees'' 2019 poems

Her stories and poems widely anthologized, frequently appear in top Armenian literary journals and published in different literary magazines and anthologies abroad: ''Russki Gulliver'' (Moscow, 2016), ‘'Symbol'' (Albania, 2013, 2016), ''Shokaran'', "Azema", ''Luys'' in Persian (Tehran, 2015, 2017),"Przenikajace Sie Paralele''(‘'Anthology of Armenian Poetry'', Poland, 2016), ''Armeniens Herz Gedichte... und sonst nichts'' (Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2016), "Bong" in Chinese(Taiwan, 2017), ‘'Diario Armenia'' (Buenos Ayres 2018), poems in Japanese in lit. magazine Ama-Hashi, (Kyoto, Japan, 2015, 2018), ‘'Azahar''(Мadrid, 2019,20200, her poem was included in the book of world contemporary poets ''Venti di Poesia'' (2015, Italy), etc.
In 2019 her play ‘'The Raven Sais'' was sussesfully staged in Tbilisi (Georgia) State Armenian Dramatic Theater after P. Adamyan and performed in different theaters in Armenia.
Her translations of Anglo-American poetry of XX century from English into Armenian were published in the "World Literature" quarterly, as well the poems of modern Japanese and Chinese poets.

Awards and Festivals.
In 2012 her story ''The Handbag'' was awarded among the best stories of the year.
In 2013 April her book "Hey, Noah!" was the 2-nd among 10 bestsellers in Yerevan.
In 2016 her book ''Longing For 1000 Years'' was awarded to the Poetry Prize of 2016.
In 2018 received the Poetry Prize of Writers Union of Armenia.
In 2018 was awarded to the prize of 2018 of International Writers Association ‘'Bogdani'' in Brusseles for ''High performance, quality and humanity in literature''.
In 2019 her book ‘'Back To The Sky'' was ranked among 10 bestsellers in Yerevan.

In 2019 awarded to the 1-st prize in the nomination of Dramaturgy in Yerevan Book Fest 2019 Festival for the play ‘'The Raven Sais''.
In 2019 the book 'Escape to the Trees'' was awarded to the annual prize of Writers Union of Armenia 2019.
In 2020 my book 'Escape to the Trees'' was awarded to the annual prize of Writers Union of Armenia 2019.
In 2020 she was awarded to the Internationl prize ‘'Naji Naaman Literary Prizes 2020''.
Participant of different international literary festivals and programs.
In 2012 (July-August) she got a scholarship for spending 2 months in Vienna invited by Kulturkontakt Austria program.
In 2013 she was a participant of ''Genova International Poetry Festival'' (Italy) from Armenia.
In August 2013 she was invited to Switzerland by the organization Chateau de Lavigny.
In 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 she was participant of the International Literary Festival ''Literary Ark'' in Armenia.
In 2018 was invited to Japan to the ‘'Kyoto Poetry Reading 2018'' Festival.