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Profesor (Dr.) Ram Krishna Singh. Varanasi, India 1950 Poeta y académico escritor en Inglés Hindú. Específicamente Poesía, Ciencias y Tecnología. B.A 1970, M.A. en Literatura Inglesa 1972 Banaras Hindu University, Ph.D.Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi, 1981. Dr. Singh inició su carrera en periodismo en el District Gazetteers Department, Lucknow, 1973, y como columnista del Press Trust de la India, New Delhi, 1973-74.Catedrático del Royal Bhutan Polytechnic, Deothang, Bhutan, 1974-76, participó como instructor conferencista y profesor del Indian School of Mines en Dhanbad 1976-83, Profesor de Inglés y Director del Departamento de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales 1993/2012- Actualmente se desempeña como Profesor de Secundaria (Higher Academic Grade)
Investigador, crítico , y poeta contempóraneo, sus actividades editoriales incluyen: Editor invitado del Language Forum, 1986, 1995, Creative Forum, 1991, 1997, 1998, Coeditor & , General Editor Creative Forum New Poets Series, y miembro de Consejo editorial de Canopy, Indian Book Chronicle, Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Reflections, Titiksha, International Journal of Translation, Poetcrit, Impressions of Eternity (ie), and SlugFest.. Editor del ISM Newsletter.Dr. Singh ha evaluado cerca de 40 Tesis de grado de PhD. Su obra ha sido explorada en numerosas tesis M.Phil. and Ph.D. de varias universidades. 
Su poesía y obra en general ha sido traducida a más de 18 idiomas y otros tantos dialectos incluyendo el Farsi, Esperanto, Kannada, Tamil, Hindi, Punjabi, Telugu, and Bangla. Publicada, entre otros medios virtuales e impresos, Incluye Perspectivas Criticas de la Poesía de R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma (ed: K.. Dominic, 2011) La Ira en la Poesia contemporanea Hindú (Vijay Vishal, 2014).




Professor (Dr.) Ram Krishna Singh. Indian poet and academic, whose main fields of interest consist of Indian English writing, especially poetry, and English for Specific Purposes, especially for science and technology. Singh was born on 31 December 1950 in Varanasi, India. After earning a B.A in 1970, he gained his M.A. in English Literature from Banaras Hindu University in 1972, and his Ph.D. from Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi, in 1981. He also obtained a Diploma in Russian in 1972. 
Dr. Singh started his career in journalism, as a Compilation Officer in the District Gazetteers Department, Lucknow, 1973, and a Journalist with the Press Trust of India, New Delhi, 1973-74. Changing to teaching he became a Lecturer at the Royal Bhutan Polytechnic, Deothang, Bhutan, 1974-76. Joining the Indian School of Mines in Dhanbad as a Lecturer from 1976-83, he then rose to Assistant Professor in 1983. Professor of English and Head of the Institute's Department of Humanities and Social Sciences from 1993 to 2012, he has now been Professor (Higher Academic Grade) since 2012.

A reviewer, critic, and contemporary poet who writes in Indian English, Dr. Singh is the author of more than 160 research articles and 170 book reviews. His works have been anthologized in about 150 publications, while his editorial activities extend to include guest-editing of Language Forum, 1986, 1995, and Creative Forum, 1991, 1997, 1998, besides being co-editor of the latter publication from 1987-90, General Editor of Creative Forum New Poets Series, and service on the editorial boards of Canopy, Indian Book Chronicle, Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Reflections, Titiksha, International Journal of Translation, Poetcrit, Impressions of Eternity (ie), and SlugFest. He has evaluated about 40 PhD theses from various universities. He has also edited the ISM Newsletter for about five years.

His poems have been translated into French, Spanish, Romanian, Chinese, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Bosnian, Hungarian, Albanian, Irish, Japanese, Bulgarian, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Crimean Tatar, Arabic, Farsi, Esperanto, Kannada, Tamil, Hindi, Punjabi, Telugu, and Bangla. About 60 full-length articles on his poetry have been published from 1988-2009. New Indian English Poetry: An Alternative Voice: R.K.Singh (ed: I.K. Sharma, 2004) and R.K.Singh's Mind and Art: A Symphony of Expressions (ed: Rajni Singh, 2011) are two comprehensive critical presentations of his creativity since the 1970s. Other studies include Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma (ed: K.. Dominic, 2011) and Anger in Contemporary Indian English Poetry (Vijay Vishal, 2014). His works have been explored in several M.Phil. and Ph.D. theses of various universities.




They practice death
in school and blame India:
terrorist politics

Ellos ejercen muerte
en la escuela y culpan India
de politicas terroristas*

 ( prox,edición en español)

no wake-up call
be it Nawaz or Modi
power luxury

in angel costume
each invokes divine

after the act
ritual truth burial
and peace politics



In the poems I write
you can read my mind
even know when I'm blue

before the mirror
when I stand in the dark
you can't scent me

nor will words comfort
in chilly December
when alone in candle light

empty coffee cups
deride the syllables
I spin to make haiku

my hairs in air
reveal the baldness:
wank without wad


It's near but
every place has a distance
and people too
they flee to see
me in their vicinity
sense a danger
I don't belong:
they curse me for what I'm not
self-made misery
traps them to hell
I can't help their doom nor stop
their wanton rage
down to smallness
they hate only themselves and
sculpt new sorrows
I must erase
the debris of dreams they leave
and be at peace

They make my face
ugly in my own sight
what shall I see in the mirror?
there is no beauty
or holiness left
in the naked nation:
the streams flow dark
and the hinges of doors moan
politics of corruption
I weep for its names
and the faces they deface
with clay dreams


Luck awaits me
if I could buy it from
her miracles stores

she gives me three dates
for her call to reach
the higher cosmic forces

she dreams me stand
in the middle of a
tree-lined park

against saffron flowers
flashes of light focus
on my serene face

the shower of gold tempts
a being of light descends
I'm offered a new life

divine abundance
defeat of enemies
and stream of love

if I could pay
for her rituals of
angelic magic


The deities are dumb
so they speak
louder and louder

vie with each other
for godhood

descend from mosque top
to Supreme Court

now await

I live in a crowd of fakes
smallness rises with age

my mind has ceased to think
new metaphors hardly happen

hunger keeps me awake all night
I mitigate minginess

the inner lives emptied
and filled with fresh stresses

too many fault lines run through
to make sense of the divide

my passion itches and prompts
I nuzzle the virtual too

it's the same virus aground
the same hackers that hurt

the vigor and rigor of
the new, left, or pushed behind

whatever the remedy
wounds take deaths to heal

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Querido Joseph, Gracias por el honor acordado a mi poesía en Naciones Unidas de las Letras, Biblioteca virtual, permitiéndome llegar a su numerosa audiencia. Reciba usted y todos los miembros  de Uniletras mis mejores deseos póeticos. RAM KRISHNA SINGH,




She doesn't like to see me
take bath in the sun
or cross the doors naked

the body frightens her
even in the dark
as if buried in dust

the whole year passes
with her turning on me
like rheumatic twinge

emptiness haunts
with mind in the gutter
poetry unsafe



What is there to relish in heaven
if the vulgarity of relationship haunts
even after retiring from earth?

the loose threads of yearning criss-cross memory
I can still feel the river's twisted flow
toward lower reaches, exhausted and strip teased

the nudity of moon and stars is beyond touch
who cares I evolve or end like them
suspended from a plane I can hardly reach




peeping through the fog
the sun feebly comforts
a sparrow's nest
built under the window sill:
i hear a new-born crying


my face
locked in her hands
i can't look-
love's changing shapes
a bird in cage


scratching his groin
a worshipper offers food:
the flattered deity
in flowery garbage, holy
water, incense, & sweat


one more plateau
to negotiate between
lapses in bed:
the moon shines bright & naked
I brave her cold lashes






I thought I'd locate you
in the dark lonely street
but I myself got lost

mind's mazy prompts
shocked me into nakedness
I never perceived

the misleading sun
the unreal reflections
the dumb show

dazzle my eyes
shades of terror in alleys
smell of treachery

at the crossroads
the selfish gene's tarots
of my random choices

in dim blue light
smiling breasts invite
autumn breeze

I chuckle to myself
hearing raps of inverse world
and peace in sin




The path to the mastoid mountain is snaky
the women you meet are not fucking material
you can't grab the sun shining in their hair
they're cool but hell-strong, know well how to take care of their wood

so have some charm within the lust-house of your heart
and enjoy the gathering clouds ready to burst
before you cross the distances

or strip naked in the sticks
or write poems on stretches of free way
or make deal with the devil at every turn

be wary of the emptiness ahead



Dreams puzzling
smallness of waking
I can't live
the child's circumcision
promise of happiness




Hours of silence
and a lot of walks:
no facile words

no touchiness
no paranoia
no pilgrimage

but chanting within
through the declining day
the inner acoustics

on a hilltop
no cloudy incantation:
gasp for nirvana




I'm no god nor beast
I can't live alone

can't sail with the stream
even if foolish

seeking chimeras
imploring in vain

finished relations
link pigs, snakes, monkeys

crowd the pretences
in my head suspend

all formulations
now no more cleansing

spirit viruses
and false oracles


--Ram Krishna Singh